Live, Launch, and Prosper!

Ahhh, the World Wide Web, the final frontier! Here at KnitTwit we are celebrating our launch of this shiny new website and shop the only way we know how: with horribly nerdy star trek puns and some quality $7.99 champagne from our local market. It’s getting crazy over here in our humble abode, folks! So join the launch party! I mean, after all, “Resistance is futile!”.

Okay, okay, no more star trek references, I promise. Before we get too crazy with these launch shenanigans, allow us to make a quick introduction! KnitTwit is a small independent online shop that produces delightful hand knit baby hats paired with the perfect onesie to bring smiles and joy to any little one near you. Our dedicated team consists of one brilliant web designer/developer and a pretty witty and ridiculous self-taught knitter. Can you guess which one is writing this post?  That’s right, you guessed it… it’s our intern! Just kidding, we aren’t fabulous enough to have an intern yet… remember that $7.99 bottle of champagne? Yea. That’s more of what we’re working with here.

KnitTwit was born out of the passion of a simple self-taught knitter who got their education in knitting from their middle school knitting club. We know, basically the coolest origin story ever, right?! I mean come on, if middle school knitting club doesn’t scream cool we don’t know what does! This passion for knitting was also a fun skill that was carried through high school and college. Whenever a gift was needed, and that gift needed to come from the heart, KnitTwit was there to whip up a cozy blanket or a handsome slouchy beanie for many a friend and family member. As time has progressed and we’ve gotten older, we’ve noticed one constant and consistent trend in our lives: EVERYONE’S HAVING BABIES! All of our amazing friends and family members are having sweet little carbon copies of themselves and we couldn’t be more excited, and scared, for the future. Another pattern we noticed with all of these clones of our past popping up was that they needed gifts from the heart. Thus, KnitTwit got to work making a few hats for some of our new additions to this crazy planet. You guys want to know something? Babies look wicked cute in hats. I mean for real, have you ever seen a baby wearing a little-knitted cap that didn’t look like the cutest thing you ever saw? I mean we are talking “a basket of kittens” level of cuteness here, everybody. Here at KnitTwit we do cute the best. You can expect to see adorable knitted hats and onesies for any season or occasion. Great for gifts or simple ways to welcome your new special someone into the world. Our first line-up of utter life-crippling cuteness will be coming soon with our Christmas products! Expect to read another blog post soon about each of our new Christmas patterns and their fashionable onesie counterparts that will be available in the shop. Stay tuned, and keep the good times rolling as we celebrate our launch and the coming of one of our favorite holidays, CHRISTMAS!!

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